Five Italian Buddhist masters in search of an ancient wisdom. 
An encounter between East and West identified in the deep roots of human suffering and in the tension for its solution.
SYNOPSIS ____________________________ SUBJECT ________________________

The main thread of an ancient Buddhist text. Strong words about the transience of everything and about the pain that we will inevitably face along our path.

All is Ablaze is a documentary that deals with the serious theme of human suffering and its role in the Buddhist philosophy.

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DIRECTOR'S NOTE ____________________________________________________

This work is an ode to the wise-madness that has dwelled in man throughout the history of the world, a feeling of unstoppable restlessness which pushes to dig deep down,  so down to discover the mystery of ourselves. We researched that special feeling meeting various Buddhist Italian masters. Their teachings are inspired by an historical figure, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), a noble and a  lord of a reign in what is present-day Nepal, who choose to abandon everything to consecrate himself to the spiritual research. At the base of his choice there was a simple and tragic observation about the human condition: it is always and inevitably ​accompanied by suffering. His path will conduct him to the cessation of such suffering, through the awakening.

AUTHORS ___________________________

Stefano Croci (1984) dedicated himself to musical composition since 2000, performing in Italy and Europe, recording several albums with differents bands; in the meanwhile he started working in photograpy and filmmaking as well. He earned a degree in History of Art in 2008 at University of Bologna, he is founder and artistic director of production company Caucaso.

    His research is mainly directed towards the deepening of philosophies and religions - and its artistic results - exploring its boundaries, in thought, history and places.

Silvia Siberini (1980) got a master’s degree in Philosophy (2006) and  one Oriental Studies (2013) at University of Bologna. Since 2001 she has collaborated with various Italian artists in the field of visual art such as wall paintings, photography, documentaries and publishing. She has worked in Latin America, India and Japan studying comparative philosophy. In 2012 she founded the production company Mai.


Their last experimental documentary La Pietà del Vento (2014) about the Italian architect Carlo Scarpa and the Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō was presented at more then forty Italian and International Film Festivals like Bellaria Film Festival, Portobello Film Festival (U.K.); architecture film festivals like Cinetekton! FilmFest (Mexico) - awarded as best short documentary, Istanbul International Architecture Film Fest (Turkey), Arquiteturas Film Fest Lisboa (Portugal); video poetry film festivals like VideoBardo (Argentina), Athens Video Poetry (Greece); video-art festival like Toride Video Project (Japan), Cairo Video Festival (Egypt).


PRODUCTION COMPANIES _____________________________________

Caucaso is a production company and a group of authors active in research and cinema from 2002. In collaboration with the University of Bologna, Caucaso produces institutional films and documentaries on visual anthropology.

During its early years the exploration of possible narrative forms is put into effect through music, performance and film, giving birth to La Situation est Claire (2007), Khalid (2009), Giussano (2010), Ulisse Futura (2011), I Colonnelli di Roma (2012) among others. In 2012 Caucaso achieved its first feature documentary, ‘The Golden Temple‘, premiered at the 69th Venice Film Festival. In 2014 the documentary ‘Muro Basso - The Low Barrier‘, about the topic of Anti-mafia, is acquired and broadcasted by the Italian Rai Storia and the Swiss Rsi, and it is also used in many classroom as an education documentary tool.

Caucaso’s works were presented at Italian and international festivals and university such as East End Film Festival, Portobello Fim Festival, Reykjavik International Film Festival, Festival dei Popoli, RIFF, Torino Film Festival, Tirana International Festival, Cinemateca Uruguaya, Humboldt Univeristy Berlin, UCL, SOAS and BFI in London, Cineteca di Bologna, Urbanize! Wien, Cineteca Nazionale Roma, Cine Gaumont Buenos Aires, CCA in Glasgow, PUC Sao Paulo.


Mai is an independent production company based in Bologna, Italy, born in 2012. Its main aim is to focus on productions which, in form and content, explore and cross new boundaries, between Art and Philosophy in order to investigate modern man and different point of view of reality with the medium of cinema, photography and illustration.

The latest work, the short documentary La Pietà del Vento, has participated in numerous Italian and international festivals and it also has been presented at the Venice International Film Festival, which was invited and sponsored by the Veneto Region and Embassy of Japan in Italy. Currently it is working on the long version of La Pietà del Vento.

CREDITS ________________________

Main Credits

Technical Specifics



Directors, Cinematographers

 and Producers


Sound Mixing

Production Consultants

Production Assistants


Music by


Color Grading

Poster Art

Production Companies

With the Support of

Technical Support

Franco Bertossa, Fausto Taiten Guareschi,

Corrado Pensa, Engaku Taino, Mario Thanavaro

Stefano Croci, Silvia Siberini

Giuseppe Petruzzellis

Jacopo Bonora

Enrico Masi, Stefano Migliore

Maria Grazia Riccio, Davide Rabacchin,

Massimiliano Giunta, Tana Garrido Ruiz

Tim Hecker, Dr. James B. Hopkins, UUUUUU, Leonardo

Boldrin, Roberta Galli, Mihaly Fliegauf, Proprio Tu

Giandomenico Zeppa

Riccardo Cavallini

Caucaso, Mai

Wandering Monks Ayurveda Association

Laura Corazza - Laboratorio M.E.L.A., Unibo

Recognised as a film of cultural value by

Mibact - Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage

and Activities and Tourism - Directorate-general for Cinema





Shooting Format

Screening Format

Aspect Ratio

and Sound


Italian, English

English, Spanish, French,

German, Japanese

HD, DV, 16mm, super8, Hi-8 - colorBW

DCP, Quicktime Apple Pro Res

1:1.85 - Stereo


via De' Poeti 1/6

Bologna, ITA

P. Iva 03474751207


Auguststrasse 22 - Mitte

bei Galerie Jordan / Seydoux



+39 051 0950823

Powered by Tomas Rigoni, Weronika Biłas


2016 © Caucaso, Mai  -  credits not contractual